10am, 3 Oct 2023
Coventry Cathedral Chapter House, Priory Lane, Coventry

On the morning of Tuesday 3rd October, we are inviting supporters to join us in Coventry Cathedral to pray for Global Care.

We believe prayer is essential to the work we do; we need the Lord’s wisdom, guidance and power for us, our international partners and the children we serve. We’ll especially be focussing on praying for the future of Global Care, with the many challenges and opportunities ahead of us.

Join us to pray for Global Care

The prayer morning starts at 10am. Please enter through the Chapter House doors, accessed via Priory Lane.

Our patron Fiona Castle will be leading our prayer morning in the Chapter House. There will be tea and coffee available throughout the morning. At 11:55, we will finish by joining the rest of the Cathedral for noonday prayer.

There’s no need to book – this event is free. We look forward to seeing you there!

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