In January 2024, walkers taking part in our ‘50 miles in 30 days’ challenge raised £6,449 to support a project in Malawi helping vulnerable girls with their education. Thank …
Parents of children with disabilities, living in poverty, often find it difficult to access essential aids to improve children's lives. Our Disability Community Outreach project, in Soroti, is working …
"What is the use of giving a girl child education?" asked *Suma's Dalit parents when challenged by our team in Patripul, a slum near Mumbai. "Girl child are only …
Our Disability Outreach project helps children and young people with disabilities who are isolated and stigmatised. By providing aids, improving access to medication and treatment, and connecting families to services …
A 15-year-old schoolgirl who was sexually abused by a teacher was the catalyst for Global Care’s new partners to start a ministry supporting vulnerable girls in Malawi …
Since 2004, New Hope Children’s Home in Poi Pet, near the border with Thailand, has provided refuge for a total of 120 orphaned or abandoned children. Through the generosity …
We'd like to say a massive thank you to the event sponsors and corporate donors who have given so generously to make our charity auction an exciting and successful …
CEO John White is reminded what it's all about on a recent visit to Uganda... The impact of child sponsorship goes way beyond money or words, to life and …