There are so many ways to keep the memory of a loved one alive. With Global Care, you can give light, hope and new life to vulnerable children, through your memorial giving.

It’s a wonderful way to celebrate a life. It means their legacy will live on, by bringing joy and transformation to a child or family in need.

We offer two types of memorial giving:

1. Memorial Donation

You can make a donation in memory of your loved one, of any amount, to our work overseas. You can choose a specific country or project, or ask us to give it wherever the need is greatest.

Every penny counts, as our partners seek to reach out and support as many of the most vulnerable children as possible.

I’d like to give a gift in memory

 2. Memorial Sponsorship: A Living Tribute

A one-off gift of £5,000 sponsors a vulnerable child throughout their entire school career, usually for around 15 years. Such a gift of education and long-term personalised support is vital, giving a child the chance to break out of poverty and have a healthy, fulfilling future. With Global Care’s focus on the most vulnerable, you know your Memorial Sponsorship will protect and support a child in dire need, until they become a strong, independent adult.

Throughout the duration of the Memorial Sponsorship, you will see your loved one’s legacy unfold, as you receive regular letters and updates from your sponsored child about their wellbeing and progress. You can even write back to the child, if you wish.

Make your donation today

However you choose to give, your loved one’s light can shine on in the life of a vulnerable child.

If you have questions about memorial gifts, please do get in touch with our team.

I’d like to give a gift in memory

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